Interactive, high-interest learning experiences benefit learners of all ages.
Explainer Video
This project needed a simple explainer video as an introduction to an in-person training.
This interactive learning resource was created in Rise 360 integrating Storyline activities. This course was designed for children ages 7-9 to learn more about layers of the Earth’s soil.
eLearning Course
Youth and adult recreation participation is on an upswing nationwide. Recreation facility staff need the proper training to keep athletes safe on and off the field. Spotting the signs of a concussion early, managing parent expectations regarding returning to play and ensuring medical attention is properly administered is essential.
This demo course was designed to help recreational facility staff properly handle concussions.
I designed this interactive course in Rise 360 while incorporating interactions from Storyline and handouts from Canva.
Reference Materials
Often, easy-to-digest reference materials help learners to integrate their new knowledge back into their everyday environment.
eLearning Sample
This demo course was designed to help recreational facility staff properly handle concussions. Click here to preview.
I designed this interactive course in Rise 360 while incorporating interactions from Storyline and handouts from Canva. I incorporated Gagne’s Nine Events and Bloom’s Taxonomy. However, in much of what I create now, I prefer to create interactive learning experiences that focus on Merrill’s Principles of Instruction - more simplistic, problem-centered interactive experiences with branching scenarios and story-based practice.
Type: Custom eLearning Development
Client: Demo Project
Date: November 2024
Articulate Rise 360
Articulate Storyline
Affinity Designer
Instructional Design
eLearning Development
Training Resource Creation
Explainer Video Sample
Sometimes, a simple explainer video can bolster. Click here to preview.
Teaching Philosophy
I have a Master’s degree in Montessori Education and over a decade of experience within various classroom settings. When teaching children, my focus is a hands-on, project-based, interactive approach that scaffolds their learning, engages their interests, and allows for immediate application of new ideas. I believe in fostering opportunities for children to learn from each other and interactive learning resources as much or more than from lectures and knowledge dumps. My focus is typically on setting up an attention-grabbing introduction that provides a big idea and activates prior knowledge. Then, I show more than tell new ideas based on learning objectives, allow for exploration and application of said ideas in varied forms, assess performance and create follow-up learning objectives based on initial assessments.
I believe in teaching adults through efficient, concise and interactive learning experiences while valuing their prior skills, knowledge, and time. I aim to create interesting and relevant material that is directly applicable to their jobs. I offer choices whenever possible to allow for autonomy and pretests to avoid wasted time on already mastered skills.